Monday, December 24, 2007

Merry Christmas!

Luke 2:10-11 (New International Version): 10 But the angel said to them, "Do not be afraid. I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people. 11 Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is Christ the Lord.

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Wednesday, December 19, 2007

"Riverdale Jones and the Temple of Food"

Above: Artwork penciled by Fernando Ruiz and inked by Al Nickerson.

A few days ago, I finished inking a twelve-page story for JUGHEAD AND FRIENDS #28 titled "Riverdale Jones and the Temple of Food". This was such a fun story to ink. It’s also a tribute to the Indiana Jones’ films. See… comics can be fun after all.

I’m not quite sure when JUGHEAD AND FRIENDS #28 hits comic book stores, but I’m guessing it should out in March or April.


Tuesday, December 18, 2007

I'm going!

So, it appears that professional registration is free for April’s 2008 New York Comic Con. The first year, we went for free. Last year, professionals had to purchase their badges. But, not this year. So, if ya draw comics, then ya might as well register. The convention is always very fun. This is such an excellent time where pros can smooze with their contemporaries.

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Monday, December 17, 2007

The Eisner Awards!

I submitted NIHILIST-MAN AND HIS AMAZING FRIENDS #1 to the 2008 Will Eisner Comics Industry Awards. Since almost all of the stories in NIHILIST-MAN AND HIS AMAZING FRIENDS #1 have been published in other books prior to 2007, the comic is only eligible for the "Best Graphic Album-reprint" category.

I’m already writing my acceptance speech. :)

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Saturday, December 15, 2007

Old news: Neil Gaiman versus Todd McFarlane...

My buddy, Steve Bissette, is co-writing a companion book on writer Neil Gaiman. Steve asked me to search for material on the Neil Gaiman versus Todd McFarlane lawsuit. Specifically, Steve was looking for the court’s verdict in the case. I found the court’s decision here. I also came across this interesting article on the Gaiman versus McFarlane battle over the rights to Mircleman titled "WHATEVER HAPPENED TO MIRACLEMAN?".

This whole feud between Neil Gaiman and Todd McFarlane concerning Medieval Spawn, Angela, and Miracleman is such a mess. Although, I am quite interested in how this will affect the comic book community in regards to (comic book) Creator’s Rights.

We have a couple of threads on all of this at the Creator’s Rights forum:

"Sim, Larsen, and the Neil Gaiman vs. Todd McFarlane feud"

"Sim on Todd's ‘Man of Miracles’"

Erik Larsen: "The whole Neil Gaiman situation I found to be particularly annoying, mostly because the characters Neil "created" were variations on Spawn himself. A female "angel" instead of a male "devil," medieval versions of existing characters, etc. It bothered me that Todd was stupid enough to let somebody "create" these characters and it bothered me that Neil would insist on owning something that he didn’t legitimately create."

Dave Sim: "The Neil Gaiman situation isn’t as cut-and-dried as you’re making it out to be. Neil knew what he was getting into at DC. Sandman is their character and Neil, as a novice scripter, decided he was going to do some interesting things with it and see what happened. Well, what happened turned out to be huge and, from what I understand, DC did the noblesse oblige "right thing" and magnanimously granted Neil greater—and entirely unprecedented—participation in Sandman and other ‘considerations’ in acknowledgement of what had happened. Whatever he got—and, again, none of us knows because it all took place behind closed doors—all he could do was to count himself lucky because he didn’t have a legal leg to stand on and, presumably, he knew it."

Steve Bissette: "That Todd presumed he could retroactively, claim every conceptual property in the respective issue as his and his alone "boggles my mind," Erik. That you and so many others, including Dave, continue to make insinuations about Neil's character and integrity while defending Todd's "boggles my mind." Neil wasn't short-changed -- the deal, as it was represented to Neil, was broken as soon as characters and concepts Neil introduced in his work for Todd began to surface in other comics and media (of course, once Todd dragged Miracleman into the fray as some aspect of the proposed legal settlement, he only further complicated matters, using a character that was never his, that he never had any claim to or creatively contributed a damned thing to, as a bargaining chip). That was NOT the deal, apparently, was it?"

Above: Todd McFarlane’s "Man of Miracles" statue.

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Friday, December 14, 2007

Ya gotta love Terry Moore...

Terry Moore’s ECHO #1 should be out in a few months. Terry wrapped up STRANGERS IN PARADISE some time ago. So, I’m eagerly awaiting his ECHO series.

In the letters column of STRANGERS IN PARADISE #78, Terry gave a nice plug to my and Brandon J. Carr’s The Kenmore/Nihilist-Man team-up story (see below). The team-up first appeared as a webcomic, and then saw print in NIHILIST-MAN AND HIS AMAZING FRIENDS #1. It looks like Nihilist-Man enjoys reading STRANGERS IN PARADISE, as well…


Thursday, December 13, 2007

Busy, busy...

Been busy inking a Jughead story and writing a 6,000 word article for BACK ISSUE #29.

Anyway, last week, three of my favorite comics came out on the same day! Oh, joy! So, much happiness filled stately Nickerson Manor as I enjoyed reading INVINCIBLE #47, ATOMIC ROBO #3, and BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER: SEASON EIGHT #9.

C-mon! If you enjoy fun super-hero comics, then ya have to read INVINCIBLE. It’s not called "Possibly the best super-hero comic book in the Universe" for nothing.

I give INVINCIBLE #47 four out of five NM’s.

ATOMIC ROBO #3 was as kickin’ as the previous two issues. I loved the line, "Yes, but shut up. It shot us out of the sky with a Deahtray!" C’mon… read ATOMIC ROBO. You won’t regret it.

I, also, give ATOMIC ROBO #3 four out of five NM’s.

The canonical adventures of the Scooby gang continue with BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER: SEASON EIGHT. This issue is the last chapter of the current storyline featuring Faith. "No Future for You" has some nice insights to Faith’s character. She’s not always nice, but we love her just the same.

I give BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER: SEASON EIGHT #9 three out of five NM’s.

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