Tuesday, February 12, 2008

A legend is born…

Above photo: A Polaroid of P.I.C. while living at Sloane House. (clockwise) Sean, Miguel, Al, Scan, and Pro as they pose with the infamous P.I.C. sign. School year 1986-1987.

Scan blogs about Rob Scheider, the film 52 PICK UP, and the origin of the infamous P.I.C sign...

…so I picked up the PIC and was on my way. I took it back to my dorms, hung it up and was trying my best to come up with the appropriately witty words to fill out the acronym of PIC. To this day I haven't done so.

Above cartoon: Scan’s cartoon of this famous moment in P.I.C. history.

Well, P.I.C. eventually did come up with a phrase to stand for the acronym of "P.I.C." which was "Perverts in College". And, as memory serves, Pro who came up with an acronym for post-college "P.I.C.": "Professionals in Careers". Yeah, I know, but we were all young and silly back then.

Above photo: Al with the P.I.C. sign. 1998.


  1. It's Roy, not Rob "Gotta Make the Copies"

  2. Professional Illustrator and Cartoonists should be now official!!!!

  3. Well, that’s four "Yea" votes for "Professional Illustrators & Cartoonists" being the new acronym for "P.I.C.". That’s a majority vote amongst the P.I.C. elders. So, this looks like a done deal, correct? I guess we’ll wait a bit to hear back from the three other fellas… just in case.


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