Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Joey B and HBO...

Above photo: A view from P.I.C. member Joey B’s New York City apartment.

Looks like HBO will be filming a scene on Joey B’s fire escape. As Joey B tells it:

HBO is filming on my block and will be sending up an actor and using my fire escape in one of the shots. Its an early 70’s cop show or movie called LAST OF THE NINTH. The photo is from my window this morning - the block is full of these cars from the 60’s and 70’s including these vintage cop cars. Pretty cool!


  1. A Plymouth Fury! I used to drive one of those.

    Hell on gas mileage, but a SMOOTH ride.

  2. Hey, Joey B... how'd the shoot turn out?

  3. I guess Joey B is too shy to comment on the P.I.C. News blog, but he did send me the following e-mail:

    "They spent so much time on the street action shots, that they had little time for reaction shots which was supposed to happen on my fire escape. Had to leave by midday on Day 2 but I got paid for 2 days! Nice."


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