Thursday, March 26, 2009

Feeling the love…

While surfing the InterWeb, I came across a couple of very positive reviews of ARCHIE & FRIENDS #126 and #129. Both comics are still on sale. Check out the reviews...

Johanna Draper Carlson of COMICS WORTH READING has this to say about ARCHIE & FRIENDS #126:

Perhaps because the creators obviously know and love the material, this is the best recent lengthy Archie story yet.

Above: Artwork from ARCHIE & FRIENDS #126 by (penciler) Fernando Ruiz and (inker) myself.

Concerning ARCHIE & FRIENDS #129, Tony Isabella says:

It’s a solid comic book on all fronts and earns an impressive four out of five Tonys.

Above: Artwork from ARCHIE & FRIENDS #129 by (penciler) Fernando Ruiz and (inker) myself.


Friday, March 20, 2009

Joey B's new website...

Above: Painting by Joey B of some very handsome fella.

Famed artist and P.I.C. member, Joey B, has launched a new website of his paintings and illustrations at!

Joey B proclaims:

From the canvas to the mousepad - finally joined the ranks of artists with a website! Yes, tis true! Please take a look when you get a chance...


Friday, March 13, 2009

Watching the WATCHMEN...

Beware! There might be some spoilers ahead!

Yesterday, I finished my latest batch of inking and then headed on over to the local movie theater to see WATCHMEN. Despite some things, I did enjoy this adaptation of Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons’ comic book. I very much appreciated how closely the film followed, and captured, the comic book for the big screen (all comic book movie adaptations should do the same).

WATCHMEN looked great! The directing and cinematography were nicely done. The story (for the most part) was solid. Jackie Earle Haley who played Rorschach was dead on. He (Rorschach) was the best part of the film. Patrick Wilson as Nite Owl II was also very good. I even liked Malin Akerman as Silk Spectre II, despite some of the lukewarm reviews that I have heard of her acting.

Although sometimes a bit too graphic, the fight scenes in WATCHMEN were fun to watch. The fighting choreography was excellent. You can actually see and follow the heroes and villains as they pummeled each other… a criticism that I had had with the fight scenes from the last two Batman films.

Still, WATCHMEN, at times, could be a bit too gloomy. We are constantly reminded of how awful humanity is. All of the so-called super-heroes are incredibly flawed characters. Now, this was a fresh new take on super-heroes when the WATCHMEN comic exploded onto the comic book industry back in 1986. The impact of WATCHMEN continues to be felt in modern comics. Although not the creators’ intentions, this comic’s flawed super-heroes started a trend that continues on today. But, for me anyway, the overwhelming negative skepticism of super-heroes is overplayed. Are there any true super-heroes left out there? Anyway, I’m digressing.

The major problem that I have with WATCHMEN (both with the comic and the film) is it’s idea that mankind is so incredibly horrible that millions of innocent people have to be murdered so that the rest of us can all get along. I know it’s just a film. I know it’s just a comic book. But, the idea that people are so expendable, so easily sacrificed, bugs me… especially when the goal is some sort of pie-in-the-sky utopian love-fest. Such a notion is fleeting, at best, and certainly not worth the sacrifice made. The character, Rorschach, is correct. People are awful sinful wretches. We all are. But, there’s a better way to fix our problems than by committing genocide.

It looks like I have more to say about what I didn’t like about WATCHMEN than about what I did like about WATCHMEN. Again, despite my criticisms, I did enjoy WATCHMEN. The story was solid (even though I had some problems with the ending), the characters were interesting (although I had some problems with them being so fallible). A little bit less of the graphic sex (which seemed pornographic with the simulated sex scenes) and vulgarity (so much cussing is bad) and WATCHMEN would have been a much better film. Still very good, though. I do look forward to the DVD.


Wednesday, March 11, 2009

ARCHIE & FRIENDS #129 now on sale!

Above: Artwork from ARCHIE & FRIENDS #129 by (penciler) Fernando Ruiz and (inker) myself.


Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Preview ARCHIE & FRIENDS #129...

Above: Preview page from ARCHIE & FRIENDS #129 by (penciler) Fernando Ruiz and (inker) myself.

The ARCHIE & FRIENDS blog has posted several preview pages from ARCHIE & FRIENDS #129. This issue was inked by yours truly, and concludes the four-part saga "The Cartoon Life of Chuck Clayton." ARCHIE & FRIENDS #129 should be hitting comic book stores on March 11th.


Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Solly Sol's baby news!

Above photo: P.I.C. friend, Solly Sol, with his new little bundle of joy, Naomi.

Congratulations to Solly Sol and Carol on the birth of their daughter, Naomi! This is indeed a blessing. I received the following message from Sol:

I be a happy pappy! Her name is Naomi Elizabeth Kleit and she was born last Friday, Feb 20. Here is a photo of us leaving the hospital with her. She had to stay a couple of extra days because of jaundice.

Above photo: Solly Sol, Carol, and baby Naomi.
