Sunday, August 30, 2009

The First Continental Congress...

Above: A stained-glass window commemorating the opening prayer for the First Continental Congress.

On September 5, 1774, the First Continental Congress met at Carpenters’ Hall in Philadelphia Pennsylvania. This was a convention of delegates from twelve of the thirteen colonies. War with England was looming as the Congress gathered to create a list of grievances in which to petition to King George III.

The First Continental Congress opened with the reading of the 35th Psalm and then lead in prayer by Reverend Jacob Duché:

O Lord our Heavenly Father, high and mighty King of kings, and Lord of lords, who dost from thy throne behold all the dwellers on earth and reignest with power supreme and uncontrolled over all the Kingdoms, Empires and Governments; look down in mercy, we beseech Thee, on these our American States, who have fled to Thee from the rod of the oppressor and thrown themselves on Thy gracious protection, desiring to be henceforth dependent only on Thee. To Thee have they appealed for the righteousness of their cause; to Thee do they now look up for that countenance and support, which Thou alone canst give. Take them, therefore, Heavenly Father, under Thy nurturing care; give them wisdom in Council and valor in the field; defeat the malicious designs of our cruel adversaries; convince them of the unrighteousness of their Cause and if they persist in their sanguinary purposes, of own unerring justice, sounding in their hearts, constrain them to drop the weapons of war from their unnerved hands in the day of battle!

Be Thou present, O God of wisdom, and direct the councils of this honorable assembly; enable them to settle things on the best and surest foundation. That the scene of blood may be speedily closed; that order, harmony and peace may be effectually restored, and truth and justice, religion and piety, prevail and flourish amongst the people. Preserve the health of their bodies and vigor of their minds; shower down on them and the millions they here represent, such temporal blessings as Thou seest expedient for them in this world and crown them with everlasting glory in the world to come. All this we ask in the name and through the merits of Jesus Christ, Thy Son and our Savior.


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Thursday, August 27, 2009

Gerhard speaks…

Above: A piece from Gerhard’s "The World without Cerebus."

Gerhard (the fella who illustrated the backgrounds to Dave Sim’s CEREBUS) speaks out about money and leaving Aardvark-Vanaheim.

Gerhard states:

When I left the company, there was enough money there to pay my meager settlement in one lump sum. But I didn't want to put a huge financial burden on Dave and told him he could spread the payments over five years. He agreed. Without reservation. He thought it was a good deal. He told the accountant as much.

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Saturday, August 15, 2009

Covering ARCHIE & FRIENDS...

Above: Partial cover artwork to ARCHIE & FRIENDS #138 by (penciler) Fernando Ruiz and (inker) myself.

I’ve inked a number of covers for DC Comics. I’ve inked a few covers for Marvel Comics. But, in the seven years that I have worked for Archie Comics, I have never inked any covers for them… until now, that is. I inked the covers to ARCHIE & FRIENDS #137 and #138… and it was quite fun. Keep a lookout for ARCHIE & FRIENDS #137 and #138 in November and December.

Update: Check out Fernando Ruiz’s pencils to the cover of ARCHIE & FRIENDS #137.


Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Adam Hughes rocks!

Above: Cover art to BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER #30 by the great Adam Hughes. I’m posting it just because... it is so awesome!


Gene Colan hospitalized!

Above photo: Gene Colan at the Cartoon Art Museum.

Hero Initiative’s Jim McLauchlin has gotten word that Gene Colan has been hospitalized.

From Gene Colan’s wife, Adrienne:

All is looking okay, and best guess is that Gene might be laid up in hospital for a few days. In fact, steady improvement could get him home by late Wednesday-early Thursday. He has pneumonia in his right lung behind his heart, and possibility of infection of some fluids. Some Encephalopathy-related difficulties may be going on, too.

Above photo: Taken in a classroom at the School of Visual Arts. (Left to right) Mitch and (comic book legend and SVA instructor) Gene Colan. School year 1986-1987.

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