Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Free Comic Book Day is soon upon us… this Saturday, in fact. I always enjoy Free Comic Book Day. Publishers give away comics. Most retailers arrange special events. Both of which invite more folks to the comic book stores, and will, hopefully, encourage more people to read comics. Free Comic Book Day is like our very own special holiday.

The ATOMIC ROBO issue has our favorite robot fighting a gun-toting dinosaur. THE SAVAGE DRAGON issue has an appearance by the original, Golden Age Daredevil. Ya can’t beat that with a wet noodle!

Here are all of the books that I’m planning on picking up:

Above: Artwork from the Free Comic Book Day THE SAVAGE DRAGON comic.


Tuesday, April 21, 2009

SVA & Will Eisner...

Above photo: Original artwork from Will Eisner’s THE SPIRIT.

I received the latest issue of the VISUAL ARTS JOURNAL today. The publication is produced by the School of Visual Arts and offered to it’s alumni every six months. Over the years, the VISUAL ARTS JOURNAL has been leaning too much to the Left for my tastes. However, this Spring 2009 edition actually has something of worth in it… an article on SVA cartooning instructor and Godfather of comic book storytelling… Will Eisner.

Even though it seemed kinda brief (considering Will’s lengthy career), I still enjoyed the article, "Enduring Spirit: Will Eisner." It focused on Will’s teaching at SVA and his work in comics. I especially enjoyed the article’s photos of Will’s THE SPIRIT artwork. Man, that’s some slick art!

Will Eisner’s classes were a highlight for me at the School of Visual Arts. I can say this with a certain amount of confidence… Will Eisner is greatly missed not only by those that tutored under him, but by the rest of comic’s community, as well.

Anyway, if you attended the School of Visual Arts, or even better, were a student of Will Eisner, then you should contact SVA’s Alumni Affairs Office (212-592-2300 or for a copy of the newest installment of the VISUAL ARTS JOURNAL… if not just for the Will Eisner article.

Above: Excerpt from the latest VISUAL ARTS JOURNAL.

Update: You can read the article online.

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Here’s a nice change of sorts… Dave Sim’s variant cover to CEREBUS ARCHIVE #2 (I swiped the image from Rich Johnston’s "Lying in the Gutters" web-column… just so ya know). In a time when comic book creators and publishers are praising Obama by having him appear on and/or within their comics, it’s pleasing to see an opposing point of view. Remember… Free Speech, tolerance, and all that good stuff. :)

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Monday, April 20, 2009

BACK ISSUE news...

Above is a sneak-peek to the cover of BACK ISSUE #38, which is illustrated by John Byrne and colored by Glenn Whitmore. The theme for BI #38 is "Family", and should be arriving to comic book stores in January 2010.

Below is the cover without the text…

Here’s a hint to what I am writing about for BACK ISSUE #39, which should be out in March 2010…

For more on BACK ISSUE magazine, stop by TwoMorrow Publishing’s website.

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Tuesday, April 7, 2009

More lovin’… has posted a review of ARCHIE & FRIENDS #129. I am so pleased with the positive reviews that I have been seeing for ARCHIE & FRIENDS #126-129. Not only was it fun inking these issues, but seeing others enjoying the comics, as well, is a such a huge added bonus.


Ruiz and Nickerson do a fabulous job depicting the different drawing styles necessary for the story. It’s not as easy as it would seem at first glance. They have to make each student’s art individualized; make Chuck’s designs look more polished as befits a more practiced artist; and make those styles look different from the character design. Even Raj’s fantasy scene looks different – having something of an angular Batman: the animated adventures appearance to it. This issue is really a showcase for how versatile these two artists are.
