Monday, August 29, 2011

"The startling secret origin of Her!"

Above: Webcomic cover to Steve Remen’s HIM 2.1 featuring "the startling secret origin of Her!"

Once or twice in various titanic comics tales, Nihilist-Man has met or teamed-up with Steve Remen’s heroic champion… Him. These were some nice moments in Nihilist-Man’s history. Lately, Steve Remen has been posting Him’s adventures online. This includes the classic origin of Him’s crime-fighting partner and ladylove… Her.

Steve told me:

Regarding HER and the story as it stands: yes, it is my intention to continue the story to its conclusion well beyond the Unfinished Lethargic Lad #14. I've had this story, more or less, mapped out almost since HIM started, and after being halted twice (Once in the mini-LCW and once in the Lethargic Lad book), I can finally finish it. It may take a while, but it will get done. For me, this story has always been "THE" HIM story and I've always wanted to do it and finishing it was a big reason I started the website: I'm committed, now.

Above: A most-excellent Him drawing by his creator.

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