Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Atomic Robo gets animated...


The Fictory will produce an animated short film, Atomic Robo: Last Stop. They’ve got a press release and some storyboards already with more to come.


Tuesday, January 26, 2010

The last of my Hero Initiative sketchcards...

Monday, January 25, 2010

Even more of my Hero Initiative sketchcards...

Sunday, January 24, 2010

More of my Hero Initiative sketchcards...

Saturday, January 23, 2010

I drew some sketchcards...

The Hero Initiative had asked me to draw some sketchcards. The the charity’s sketchcards are illustrated by cartoonists, which are then given to Hero Initiative members. The Hero Initiative is a worthwhile organization, and I was pleased to contribute.

In producing my Hero Initiative sketchcards, I used blue pencil, brush, a bit of Sharpie, and some inky water. I’ll be posting a few cards at a time over the next several days.

If you like to draw comics and if you would like to help, then please contribute sketchcards (or anything else) to the Hero Initiative.

The Hero Initiative is the first-ever federally chartered not-for-profit corporation dedicated strictly to helping comic book creators in need. Hero creates a financial safety net for yesterdays' creators who may need emergency medical aid, financial support for essentials of life, and an avenue back into paying work. It's a chance for all of us to give back something to the people who have given us so much enjoyment.

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Friday, January 15, 2010

Hero Initiative sketchcards...

Above: Hero Initiative sketchcards by artists Chris Ivy, John Romita, George Perez, and Tone Rodriguez.

Greetings fellow cartoonists,

I wanted to let you know of a great cause involving Hero Initiative. I spoke with Jim McLauchlin. He told me about the Hero Initiative sketchcards. These cards are illustrated by cartoonists, which are then given to Hero Initiative members.

If you like to draw comics and if you would like to help, then please contribute sketchcards to Hero Initiative.

For more information about the Hero Initiative sketchcards, go here:

Many thanks.

God bless. Holy is Yeshua! :)

Al Nickerson

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Thursday, January 14, 2010

Happy Birthday, Scan-Man!

Above photo: P.I.C. member and PIPEDREAMS creator, Stephen Scanlon, as he reads Mrs. Bucky’s new book.

It’s Scan’s birthday today. Happy Birthday, Scan! For new news on Scan and to read his webcomic, PIPEDREAMS, stop by Scan’s Corner.


Wednesday, January 13, 2010

The Beat and MoCCA’s Archie Comics exhibit...

Above: Got this info from The Beat: "The artist on the Elizabethan Archie painting is Terry Petersen."

The Beat has an important article concerning MoCCA’s Archie Comics exhibit and the issue of addressing creators’ credits at the show…

Because, you see, not connecting the names of comics creators to their work is, sadly, the shame of the medium. Let’s set aside the matter of creators not getting compensated for the billions of dollars their creations have garnered — just getting CREDIT has been an uphill struggle. It’s a disgrace that has helped keep comics in the cultural gutter for a long time, and only now, in this slightly more enlightened era is it being righted in some places, thanks to research and outrage.

Previously, I had voiced my own concerns about the topic of crediting the exhibit’s artwork.

A while back I had received a postcard from Archie Comics announcing MoCCA’s Archie Comics exhibit.

Two weeks ago, Scan and I visited MoCCA’s Archie Comics exhibit. By the time that we saw the show, the art credits were on display. I do want to point out that, after realizing that I was an inker for Archie Comic Publications, the folks at MoCCA were extremely friendly to me. They made me feel very welcomed at the show and stated that they always look forward to having Archie cartoonists visit the exhibit. I want to thank MoCCA for being so kind.

With the Internet, and with comic book creators and fans speaking out, hopefully, publishers will become more aware of Creator’s Rights. I do have to say that not all comic book creators continue to be treated equally, fairly, nor are they valued by all publishers. Creator’s Rights is something that we continue to struggle with in comics.

Also, I want to thank the Beat and Dan Nadel. They have done a wonderful job in addressing this important issue of Creator's Rights.

For information on MoCCA’s Archie exhibit stop by MoCCA’s website.

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Friday, January 8, 2010

P.I.C. pics...

Above photo: Steve Pro and Miguel at New York's Twin's Pub on the night of the last.

Scan has posted some recent photos including a P.I.C. gathering at Twin's Pub and a New Year's Eve bash.
