Marvel’s Marvelman...?
Above: Marvel’s Marvelman by Joe Quesada.
Marvel has swooped in and bought the rights to Marvelman? They own the property? This is a sudden shock. What rights does Marvel think it has to the character? I’m sure we’ll be hearing from Neil Gaiman and Todd McFarlane to see how they fit into all of this. I’m not sure I like the idea (if this ends up being the case) that Marvelman becomes part of the work-made-for-hire monster of Marvel Entertainment.
Marvel reports:
The biggest news of Comic Con International in San Diego was revealed moments ago and jaws are still on the floor-the world-renowned super hero MARVELMAN is now part of the Marvel Comics family! Marvel Comics has purchased the rights to MARVELMAN from creator Mick Anglo and his representatives, finding a home for one of the most sought after heroes in graphic fiction!
More on the Neil Gaiman versus Todd McFarlane feud.
Update: The InterWeb is all-abuzz about this topic.
Mr. Steve Bissette shares his insights, and gives an excellent history on the Marvelman/Miracleman ownership and feud with his "Thoughts on Marvelman: Making Sense of Marvel, Emotiv, Mick Anglo and Marvelman/Miracleman":
Freelancer and Creator Rights activist Al Nickerson has expressed his own misgivings, given Marvel’s poor track record with creator rights — but again, I note that Neil and Bucky have been quietly working with Marvel Comics since the founding of Marvels and Miracles LLC, which was announced six years ago.
Neil Gaiman does some Twitting on the matter:
they bought them from Mick Anglo's representatives. Todd mcfarlane could still sue everyone but I hope he won't.
Bleeding Cool has a bunch of insights and info, as well, with "Marvel To Publish Mick Anglo’s Marvelman - And They Own It":
But recently Emotiv Records in Glasgow, headed by Jon Campbell, claimed that they were now representing Mick Anglo’s interests in the character and some big people got involved. This is worthy of a piece in itself but figures started to include budgets for a movie, as well as all sorts of accoutrements. And then nothing. Silence. Until yesterday afternoon when I started to hear that Marvel had been contacting everyone assosciated with Marvelman. The deal has been done. Marvel have paid a considerable sum to the agents of Mick Anglo to secure the property once and for all. They are ready and confident to beat off any legal challenge from another party.
Labels: Comics, Creator's Rights, Neil Gaiman vs. Todd McFarlane