ATOMIC ROBO and "The Yonkers Devil"...

Above: Scott Wegener’s artwork from page one of "The Yonkers Devil."
By now, everyone should know that I think that ATOMIC ROBO is a rockin’ comic! Why read comics that stink of poo when ya can read an excellent comic like ATOMIC ROBO!?! Anyway, when I found out that there was a new seven-part ATOMIC ROBO webcomic titled "The Yonkers Devil," I just had to ask ATOMIC ROBO artist and co-creator, Scott Wegener, some questions…
P.I.C News: How did "The Yonkers Devil" come about?
Scott Wegener: It was an experiment. I wanted to draw Robo using blue-lead and graphite, rather than blue-lead and inks. So we just decided to have some fun and see how it would look.
P.I.C News: Was this story always intended to be a webcomic?
Scott Wegener: Yup!
P.I.C News: "The Yonkers Devil" will be a daily webcomic, one page per day, for seven days?
Scott Wegener: Yes. After seven days we run out of pages. =)
P.I.C News: Will the webcomic be collected in a future trade paperback? For that matter, will the two ATOMIC ROBO stories from Free Comic Book Day ever be collected in a trade paperback?
Scott Wegener: That's a good question. Right now we don't know. FCBD 2008 is reprinted in the Vol.2 TPB, and FCBD 2009 will be reprinted in the Vol.4 TPB
P.I.C News: What’s Atomic Robo’s favorite television show?
Scott Wegener: Good question. I don't think Robo has time to watch TV. (much like his creators).
P.I.C News: What new Atomic Robo projects are you working on now?
Scott Wegener: We just started working on ATOMIC ROBO Vol.4: ATOMIC ROBO & OTHER STRANGENESS.
Links to each page of "The Yonkers Devil" can be found at under the "Some Stuff That Was Said" heading. For more on ATOMIC ROBO stop by
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