Getting ready for the 2011 New York Comic Con...

Well, I’m getting ready for the 2011 New York Comic Con at the Jacob Javits Center in New York City. For those of you not-in-the-know, the Con is a big to-do in the comics industry. The Con is huge. The Con gets crowded. And the Con has its share of creepy fan-boys and fan-girls…

And people like this charming lad…

I've gone to the New York Comic Con every year since it’s beginning in 2006. The plan each year is to get my professional pass, visit friends, talk with colleagues, and smooze with my editors, which is always a whole lot of fun. Then, I jet on out of there as soon as I am able. I like to leave the convention before they open the doors to the public. I do enjoy the Con, but I would enjoy it more without bumping into folks like this…

However, this year will be a bit different. I’m not leaving early. I’m meeting up with Joey B. (Hopefully, Scan can make it, as well.) Joey B wants to go to a panel or two. This is his first visit to the New York Comic Con. Of course, I had to warn him about these guys…

And folks like this fellow…

Hey, I remember these gals. Maybe the Con won’t be so bad after all…

And puppies like to go to the New York Comic Con, too…

But, be warned…

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