LETHARGiC LAD 2009 to debut on Free Comic Book Day!

Above: Cover to Greg Hyland’s LETHARGiC LAD 2009.
Greg Hyland’s LETHARGiC LAD 2009 will debut this upcoming Free Comic Book Day (May 1st… if ya didn’t know).
From Lethargiclad.com:
The new limited edition full colour LETHARGiC LAD 2009 book will "premiere" at a Free Comic Book Day signing event held at Big B Comics in Hamilton, Ontario. The signing will coincidentally feature me, Lethargic Lad creator Greg Hyland.
Of course, I am excited about the announcement of the LETHARGiC LAD 2009 book. So, I just had to ask Greg some questions:
P.I.C. News: Congratulations on the tenth anniversary of LETHARGiC LAD being a webcomic. Ya know, it doesn’t seem that long since Lethargic Lad’s webcomic debut.
Greg Hyland: I agree. The anniversary actually snuck up on me, too. My original "goal" for the strip was to last 100 strips.
P.I.C. News: Do you feel as passionate about webcomics today as you did ten years ago?
Greg Hyland: I guess so. I mean, I keep doing them for some unknown reason!
P.I.C. News: There doesn’t seem as much a divide between webcomics and print comics creators like there once was. Now-a-days, many webcomics cartoonists collect their webcomics in a printed format. Years ago, you’ve even collected Lethargic Lad’s webcomics in printed form with your LETHARGICLAD.COM mini-comics. As I used to often say: "Comics is comics."
Greg Hyland: I think that putting comics up on the web and then collecting them for sale is the new comics "business model." And it's easier these days to do nice things in print thanks to better print-on-demand companies.
P.I.C. News: I really enjoyed your 2007 and 2008 LETHARGiC LAD books. I’m looking forward to the LETHARGiC LAD 2009 book. The widescreen, color format is a brilliant way to go.
Greg Hyland: Well, it was YOUR idea to do them this way!
P.I.C. News: What’s Lethargic Lad doing during his tenth anniversary webcomic debut?
Greg Hyland: Check out this week's comic (Lethargic Lad.com#120.2) to get an idea.

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